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  • £144.00

    Banderole - Hakon Berge

    Hakon Berge (born 22 April 1954 in Stavanger) is a Norwegian composer, conductor, arranger and music administrator, resident in Oslo. He studied at the Rogaland Conservatoire and at the Norwegian State Academy of Music.Berge has composed music for theatrical productions in venues such as the Rogaland Theatre, The National Theater in Bergen and the National Theatre in Oslo. He is also experienced in television production and was responsible for televised opera Gagarin - A Space Travel Opera(1991). He has composed a considerable number of commissions, including the music for the opening of the Alexandria Library, music for the opening of the Nobel Peace Centre in Oslo, and the test piece Brass Blot (for the European Brass Band Championships in Stavanger in 2008, in which Cory Band from South Wales won the first prize.Berge has also written the music to the documentary musical Byterminalen, also described as a rock opera, which was premiered in May 2008 in connection with the celebration of Stavanger as European City of Culture.Hakon Berge has held a number of offices in the musical life of Norway: he has been chairman both of the Norwegian Society of Composers and of TONO, the Norwegian performing rights organization.

    Estimated dispatch 12-14 working days
  • £35.00

    March: insieme - Peter Meechan

    March: insieme was commissioned by the Swiss charity ainsiemea ( in celebration of their 50th anniversary to be performed throughout the year in concerts raising money for the charity.The march is in a broad arc structure, with the fanfare heard at the opening of the work being reprised at the end of the work.

    Estimated dispatch 12-14 days
  • £70.00

    Origins - Peter Meechan

    Origins is in three movements, with each movement having a different subject matter, all linked by the idea of origins: the first movement refers to musical origins; the second to the origins of life; and the final movement to the space exploration - the research of all origins. The first movement is based on a short motif, heard in the first three notes the soloist plays. These three notes cover the interval of a minor third (an interval that often plays a crucial role in my music) on which the whole concerto is built. The soloist and accompaniment interplay freely throughout the opening section, before an ostinato accompaniment appears - over which the soloist sounds a long legato melody. A short cadenza follows and a return to the opening material leads the movement to an end. The second movement, titled Harryas Song, is - as tradition dictates - a slow movement. Happy and reflective in nature, the main melody was written on the evening that my closest friend, Mark Bousie (a fine euphoniumist himself), and his wife Jayne, had their first child - Harry Bousie. It seemed only fitting that this song should be written for Harry in celebration. The final movement brings me back to a lifelong fascination with space, and in this particular movement, the Space Shuttle Discovery. Having completed 39 missions (including flying the Hubble telescope in to orbit), and spent a total of 365 days in space, SS Discovery made its final voyage in 2011 and was taken to the Smithsonian in Washington D.C. in April 2012. This final movement, titled Discovery, pays tribute to the great shuttle whose missions inspired millions across the generations. Origins was commissioned by Marco Schneider, Adrian Schneider and the Dunshan Symphonic Wind Orchestra, Beijing, China.

    Estimated dispatch 12-14 days
  • £29.95

    Flying the Flag - Paul Lovatt-Cooper

    Flying the Flag was commissioned by Brass Band Erschwil to celebrate the 10th anniversary with their conductor Martin Altenbach. The piece was presented to Martin at their celebration concert in Switzerland on October 2015.

    Estimated dispatch 5-7 days
  • £44.95

    CALL OF THE RIGHTEOUS, The (Brass Band Set) - Leslie Condon

    The classic Leslie Condon 'Tone Poem', originally written for Tottenham (now Enfield) Citadel Band in the mid 1960's. Based on the old gospel tune 'When the roll is called up yonder', this music became a blueprint of style copied by countless others since. Also featured on Celebration by Croydon Citadel Band.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.95

    FUSION (Brass Band Set) - Martin Cordner

    Fusion seeks to capture the sense of celebration that arises when a believer arrives in Heaven and is finally joined in eternal fellowship with God. In depicting this event, the work links the tune, 'Brantwood' (I know thee who thou art') with Chris Rice's contemporary hymn, 'Come to Jesus'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £29.95

    PAEAN (Brass Band Set) - Dudley Bright

    Commissioned by the Swiss Christian Brass Band Association in celebration of their 150th anniversary, the title 'Paean' means a shout of thanksgiving and praise. It is also the composer's personal expression of gratitude to God following major surgery. Although 'Paean' includes three fairly contemporary Christian songs, it is not intended to be played in any kind of rock or jazz style. The idiom is quite firmly rooted in brass band tradition. The opening fanfare-like section begins in celebratory mood before becoming more contemplative through the song 'Father God, I wonder'. A change of tempo heralds the statement of the thematically significant song 'Hosanna' before immediately moving to 'Faithful God'. Following a fugato the music retraces its steps to a triumphant restatement of the opening music.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.95

    SYMPHONY OF THANKSGIVING (Brass Band Set) - Dean Goffin

    Specially written for the Diamond Jubilee Celebration of The International Staff band in 1951 concluding with 'Praise my soul, the King of Heaven' and a phrase of 'Give to Jesus glory'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £30.00

    Exegesis - Tim Paton

    An exciting, original composition for brass band by Tim Paton. A complex work which entwines melodic lyricism amidst contemporary harmonies and scoring. A tour de force of Tim's creativity and a rewarding challenge for the performers and audience.Tim comments: The term exegesis is applied to a study which works out the meaning of something, an interpretation of a series of events, a comparison of ideas within a given medium, for example, "Biblical exegesis". This brass band piece is a musical exegesis.Section one is made up of three main themes, and although these themes are tonal within themselves, there is a sense that they are trying to understand one another. From the very beginning of this section, there is an element of bi-tonality and dissonance.The middle section is ponderous, where we hear elements of these three themes. It could be called the 'thinking section'.Section three almost interrupts this middle section, with fanfares displaying a realisation, still containing bi-tonality, but in harmony! We are soon led in to a hymn like celebration, followed by a determined, militaristic section for the percussion. Finally, the fanfares which opened this third section, reappear, taking us to a final conclusion.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £30.00

    Janacek's 'Taras Bulba' - Janacek

    Comments from Tim Paton, the arranger of Janacek's 'Taras Bulba': "I will never forget the day in 1967 when I was introduced to the music of Leos Janacek, a Czech composer born in 1854, who died in 1928. Janacek was little known in Britain until the 1960's, when the conductor Charles Macherras introduced his unique music. I heard a recording of Macherras conducting the Pro Arte Orchestra in a performance of Janacek's "Sinfonietta".It was in 1969 that I first heard Janacek's Symphonic Rhapsody, "Taras Bulba".Janacek's music is exciting, powerful, emotive, impassioned and unpredictable.I have taken the first and third movements of this piece, and adapted them for Brass Band, which was at times extremely difficult, but rewarding. It sometimes took up to an hour to be satisfied that a mere several bars had been reproduced to convey the composer's intentions.The Death of AndriThe Cossaks, under the leadership of Taras Bulba, are fighting against the Poles in the 17th century. Taras's son Andri seeks to rescue his love, a Polish princess, from a city which is being besieged by the Cossaks. Having found her, he throws in his lot with the Poles, but is finally captured by his father, who executes him as a traitor before riding off again to battle.Prophesy and Death of Taras BulbaTaras himself is finally captured and condemned to be nailed to a tree and burned alive. As the flames creep around him, Taras has the satisfaction of seeing histroops escape, and as he dies, sees a vision of his country freed at last.This is incredibly descriptive music. The mood is constantly changing, creating feelings of love and anger, celebration and melancholy, despair and triumph.This Brass Band EditionThe duration of the original symphonic rhapsody, three movements, is approximately 23 minutes. I chose the first and third movements, so the Brass Band edition is approximately 14 minutes. The main reason is twofold: Being realistic about the demands this music would place on the stamina of the brass player; Keeping the piece less than 15 minutes, so that, if desired, it could be used on the contest platform.Two unique qualities of Janacek's music had to be taken into account when preparing this brass band version. His compositional technique was individual, at times not sticking to traditional expectations, in both form and orchestration. I imagined what the genius himself would have said looking at my work, and how to tackle a particular section to emulate his original intentions. This was particularly the case when dealing with high woodwind and violin parts, the use of tremolo in string parts, and the orchestral harp.Percussion: Janacek included timpani, side drum, cymbals, triangle and tubular bells. For reasons stated previously, I have also included xylophone and glockenspiel. I have also added the gong in a couple of places to enhance the dramatic effect of the music.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days