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  • £33.00

    May Day - Greenwood, JA

    Includes a full band set (no score)

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days

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  • £33.00

    The Darling Buds of May - Guard, B - Broadbent, D

    It's 30 years since The Darling Buds of May hit our screens, featuring David Jason as Pop Larkin and introducing Catherine Zeta-Jones to stardom. The show exists in a nostalgic haze, a glorious evocation of 1950s England where the sun always shone and everything was 'perfick'.This theme tune is guaranteed to transport your audience to a quintessential English summer's day.

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days

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  • £46.20
  • £46.20
  • £29.50

    Run - Snow Patrol - Gavin Somerset

    Very few songs covered by other artists are greeted with the same reception as Leona Lewis' cover version of this hit song. Whilst already a hit for Snow Patrol back in 2004, when Leona Lewis performed the song on BBC Radio One's 'Live Lounge', the DJ's and producers there on the day were reported to be tears. This highly emotional song lends itself well to the brass band sound and this arrangement by Gavin Somerset ensures your band can encapsulate audiences both on the bandstand and in the concert hall. The song's title may not be too familiar, however after just a few bars, the tune is instantly recognisable. A hit with the younger members of your band and one that people of all ages will know. A perfect addition to your concert programme and one that could see some of your audience singing!

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days

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  • £60.00

    The Night To SIng (Score only) - Bramwell Tovey

    The piece takes its inspiration from the VE Day celebrations of 1945. On 8 May 1945 the end of the war in Europe was celebrated in Great Britain. VE day (Victory in Europe day) gave rise to extraordinary public celebrations all over the country, from street parties to services of thanksgiving, to impromptu singing and community music-making. Contemporary reports mention Victorian ballads and Edwardian music hall songs, as well as the latest popular craze - the Conga. Festivities continued until dawn whereupon, finally surrendering to fatigue, the remnants of the crowd headed home on foot, long after the last bus. Some felt the celebrations to be inappropriate - much of Europe lay in ruins and war still raged in Asia. Almost everyone lamented the loss of somebody who had not survived. Duration: 16:50

    Estimated dispatch 5-7 working days
  • £72.00

    The Night To SIng (Parts only) - Bramwell Tovey

    The piece takes its inspiration from the VE Day celebrations of 1945. On 8 May 1945 the end of the war in Europe was celebrated in Great Britain. VE day (Victory in Europe day) gave rise to extraordinary public celebrations all over the country, from street parties to services of thanksgiving, to impromptu singing and community music-making. Contemporary reports mention Victorian ballads and Edwardian music hall songs, as well as the latest popular craze - the Conga. Festivities continued until dawn whereupon, finally surrendering to fatigue, the remnants of the crowd headed home on foot, long after the last bus. Some felt the celebrations to be inappropriate - much of Europe lay in ruins and war still raged in Asia. Almost everyone lamented the loss of somebody who had not survived. Duration: 16:50

    Estimated dispatch 5-7 working days
  • £59.99

    A Summer Holiday - Patrick Millstone

    In 'A Summer Holiday' Patrick Millstone takes us with him on a journey. After a year's hard work we may finally enjoy a well-earned holiday. The first part of this three-part composition has the appropriate title 'On Tour'. When we chose our holiday destination, the brochure said that it would be bathed in sunlight every day. Unfortunately, this turns out not to be the case. Somewhat melancholically, we play round games in our summer house on a 'Rainy Day'. However, the next day, when the sun again has driven away all the clouds, we naturally visit the 'Crowded Beach', where we enjoy both sun, sea and beach once again.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £109.99

    The Power of the Megatsunami - Carl Wittrock

    The word 'tsunami' is of Japanese origin. When you look it up in a dictionary, you will find that it means 'a great sea wave produced by submarine earth movement or volcanic eruption'. A megatsunami is the superlative of this awesome expressionof power that nature can create, and has catastrophic consequences. When Carl Wittrock completed this composition not many such big earth movements had occurred, but since then we have become all too familiar with the disastrousconsequences which a tsunami may have. On the 26th of December 2004 a heavy seaquake took place near the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Tidal waves 10 meters in height ravaged the coastal regions of many countries for miles around. The tsunamitook the lives of thousands of people and destroyed many villages and towns. There are more areas which run the risk of being struck by a tsunami, such as the island of La Palma, one of the Canary Islands. This island is based on oceaniccrust at a fracture zone and as such is one of nature's time bombs. The consequences of a natural calamity like a megatsunami are immense. In the case of La Palma, the tidal wave will move in the direction of South America, where it may reach 50km inland, destroying everything on its way. In his composition Wittrock describes an ordinary day which will have an unexpected ending. Right from the beginning there seems to be something in the air, the music creating an oppressiveatmosphere of impending disaster. Themes are interrupted, broken off suddenly, followed by silence, suggesting the calm before the storm. Suddenly a short climax (glissandi in the trombone part) indicates the seaquake, and the megatsunami isa fact. Hereafter follows a turbulent passage symbolising the huge rolling waves. After nature's force has spent itself, resignation sets in and the composition ends with a majestic ode to nature.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £57.10

    Boller og kaker og brus - Hans Offerdal

    I wrote this march for Furuset skoles musikkorps and Haugen skolekorps to use on the 17th of May 2007. Those familiar with Norwegian culture know that this day is the national holiday of Norway. What symbolises this day for most kids I think, areplaying and parading in the streets and afterwards eating as much candy, ice cream and cake as possible.The rhythm of the opening motive is based on the rhythm of the title, thus the march is supposed to illustrate a bunch of kids shoutingout: "Candy and Ice Cream and Cake!" There should be no doubt what they want after finishing parading in the streets.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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