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  • £44.50

    Brass Monkey's Ensemble Workout - David White

    This selection of music is the perfect all-in-one workout for your training band. Each piece contained within the selection serves a definite purpose (all of which are given below and are printed in the score). The "Ensemble Workout" balances musical exercises and pieces of music to ensure that the end result is a better ensemble performance over all. The pieces keep the players entertained whilst ensuring they listen and work with the other players around them. Drum Kit and Percussion parts are also included. The pieces (and their objectives) included areaA UNISON WARM UP & HYMN TUNEA MINOR TUNE - no key or time signature, no dynamics, accidentals for some (sharp)PLODDING ON - time signature but no key signature, no dynamics, accidentals for some (sharp, flat natural) staccato / legato playingLITTLE WALTZ - time signature & key signature, accidentals & dotted minims & ties D.S. al Fine & repeats with 1st & 2nd time bars no dynamicsLAZY LATIN - time & key signature, dynamics & accidentals, staccato / legato playing styles, sectional repeats with 1st & 2nd time barsTHE AIKIN DRUM - 6/8 compound time, March style playing, D.C. al Coda

    Estimated dispatch 7-9 working days
  • £40.00

    Concerto for Euphonium - Kenneth Downie

    An accessible and enjoyable showpiece for soloists of all ages. The concerto's three movements are in a tuneful, melodic style and bravura passages are mixed with others designed to exploit the singing qualities of the instrument. The first movement is a vigorous allegro in which the short, pithy motifs of the opening theme contrast with the broad sweep of the second subject. A short cadenza-like passage yields to a high-spirited episode before a reprise of the opening ends the movement quietly. The second movement opens with a warm, romantic melody which is soon taken up by the soloist. A short animated section gives way to the earlier tutti theme, this time with passionate decoration from the soloist before the music gently unwinds in a tranquil coda. The finale has a bouncy, festive feel. After the first subject runs its course there is a brief journey through a more contrapuntal style, before a spirited presto moves into a compound episode before returning to the opening idea. A jubilant coda brings the work to a conclusion.

    Estimated dispatch 7-9 working days
  • £50.00

    Concerto for Euphonium (Parts only) - Kenneth Downie

    An accessible and enjoyable showpiece for soloists of all ages. The concerto's three movements are in a tuneful, melodic style and bravura passages are mixed with others designed to exploit the singing qualities of the instrument. The first movement is a vigorous allegro in which the short, pithy motifs of the opening theme contrast with the broad sweep of the second subject. A short cadenza-like passage yields to a high-spirited episode before a reprise of the opening ends the movement quietly. The second movement opens with a warm, romantic melody which is soon taken up by the soloist. A short animated section gives way to the earlier tutti theme, this time with passionate decoration from the soloist before the music gently unwinds in a tranquil coda. The finale has a bouncy, festive feel. After the first subject runs its course there is a brief journey through a more contrapuntal style, before a spirited presto moves into a compound episode before returning to the opening idea. A jubilant coda brings the work to a conclusion.

    Estimated dispatch 7-9 working days
  • £10.00

    Edward Gregson: Concertante for Piano and Brass Band

    DescriptionProgramme NoteThe Concertante for Piano and Brass Band was written in 1966, when the composer was an undergraduate student at the Royal Academy of Music in London. It received its first public concert performance in 1967 at the Royal Festival Hall, London, when the composer was the soloist with the International Band of the Salvation Army, conducted by Bernard Adams. It was one of the first major works to be written for this particular combination.The Concertante is unashamedly romantic in idiom and is in three movements: Prelude, Nocturne and Rondo. The Prelude is cast in sonata form and opens with a short cadenza-like flourish from the soloist, followed by two main ideas - the first sweepingly dramatic, the second highly lyrical. The interplay between these two themes forms the main focus of the movement, and after a return to the opening theme, an exuberant codetta brings the music to a close, albeit a quiet one. tender Nocturne opens with an introduction from the band that contains precursors of the two main ideas to follow. The solo piano announces the main theme, which has a slightly 'bluesy' character with its flattened third and seventh notes of the scale, and is a love song dedicated to the composer's wife-to-be. The band enters with phrases of a chorale already hinted at in the introduction - Ray Steadman-Allen's hymn tune 'Esher' - but never quite presented in its complete state. Both ideas are developed alongside each other, with eventually the first theme returning, this time with piano and band together, and building to a majestic climax, before subsiding to a peaceful coda - a return to the very opening of the movement. final Rondo is full of energetic rhythms and changing time patterns. The main theme is playful in character, with much interplay between soloist and band, whilst the middle section presents a new theme, and one that has more than a hint of the hymn tune 'Onward Christian Soldiers', in what amounts to a good humoured parody. The opening Rondo theme returns, this time leading to a powerful and dissonant climax from the band. This is followed by an extended piano cadenza, underlying the virtuoso aspect of the work, and leading to an energetic and life-affirming coda, which brings the work to a triumphant conclusion. 18 minutesInstrumentation:Please note that there is no 1st/Repiano Cornet part in this work. The 1st/Repiano Cornet player should join the Solo Cornet bench. As such an extra Solo Cornet part is provided in the set of parts.Version for two pianosA version of the Concertante for two pianos is available for rehearsal purposes. Piano 1 is the solo part and Piano 2 the band reduction. However, for those pianists not needing to rehearse the work in this way, a solo piano part is also provided with the main set of band parts.To view a preview of the solo part for the first movement click here.The youthful Gregson (his work was written as a third year undergraduate) was seemingly a bit of a musical magpie - but one heck of a skilful one at that.These were shiny baubles of poise, panache and pastiche, with affectionate, remarkably mature nods of appreciation towards Gershwin, Rachmaninov, Ireland and even Elmer as well as Leonard Bernstein.The rich colour palette and flowing lines (with the tenderest of central Nocturnes) were a joy - as were the little buds of motifs that dotted the score like seeds ready to be planted on a future fertile brass band compositional field. - Iwan Fox,, June 2019For more information on Edward Gregson's music please visit the composer's website:

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £91.99

    Fanfares, Songs & Dances - Philip Sparke

    Fanfares, Songs & Dances was commissioned by Brass Bands England, the Lithuanian Brass Band Association and the Dutch National Brass Band Championships (NBK), and first performed at the 43rd 'NBK' in October 2024. The work is played in three linked movements: FANFARES opens in robust fashion with a sequence of fanfare-like statements, initially featuring the horns, whose modal theme includes a figure that will reappear throughout the work. Euphoniums and then cornets introduce a second theme, which is followed by a third, again initiated by the horns. Baritones then change the mood with a more-lyrical theme, which builds to a climax, eventually leading back to a recall of the initial fanfare theme. This gradually dissolves to introduce the second movement. SONGS continues to relax the fanfare feel with a long introduction to the movement's main theme, first appearing on solo cornet. A change of key introduces a bridge passage which leads to a sonorous chorale, which builds to a triumphal return of the cornet theme. A peaceful coda leads to the final movement of the work. DANCES is a scherzo-like movement based around a series of rhythmic melodies in triple time, which lead to a majestic return of the 2nd movement's chorale theme under cornet figuration. The opening dance theme returns and heralds a joyous coda.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £40.00

    Hymn at Sunrise (Score only) - Ray Steadman-Allen

    The idea for this work was prompted by a poem - Hymn Before Sunrise - which describes the majesty of a mountain in darkness, the sounds of a nearby waterfall and so on. Nothing came of the exposure to these pictures except for general thoughts about the dawn of day and a series of movements expressing a personal response to the wonder of creation in an imaginary moment in time. The movement titles, which were added later, are intended to underline a prevailing sense of worship, wonder and exaltation. The music is pure, not pictoral, though listeners may conjure their own images. An actual hymn - Tallis' Cannon - is incorporated. There are five movements: 1. Thanksgiving: A short prelude in two parts. First a brief passage of 'dawn music' before things become more vigorous: fanfare-like music ushers in the trombone section's presentation of the Tallis tune. A broad band version concludes the movement. 2. De Profundis: A slow movement shot through with anxious questionings featuring flugel and trombone. The mood lightens a little in the centre where the soprano cornet is featured and the movement ends serenely. 3. Celebration is characterised by rhythmic drive, this is buoyant with plenty of incident pointed up by the percussion. 4. Invocation: Melodic in nature and sober in mood, the first section is a series of short solos mingled with chorale-like statements. Central to the movement is a chorale-prelude style presentation of the Tallis tune. The third section reintroduces the earlier solo music by the full ensemble. Dissolving, the music enters the last movement without a break. 5. Paean: Marked allegro con spirito there is, quite rightly, a fair amount of fun in the rejoicing. Snatches of Tallis are heard, then comes a gentle passage with a cornet solo leading to fanfare music and recapitulation. Two recitatives are succeeded by a coda which brings the work to a sonorous and exultant conclusion.

    Estimated dispatch 7-9 working days
  • £50.00

    Hymn at Sunrise (Parts only) - Ray Steadman-Allen

    The idea for this work was prompted by a poem - Hymn Before Sunrise - which describes the majesty of a mountain in darkness, the sounds of a nearby waterfall and so on. Nothing came of the exposure to these pictures except for general thoughts about the dawn of day and a series of movements expressing a personal response to the wonder of creation in an imaginary moment in time. The movement titles, which were added later, are intended to underline a prevailing sense of worship, wonder and exaltation. The music is pure, not pictoral, though listeners may conjure their own images. An actual hymn - Tallis' Cannon - is incorporated. There are five movements: 1. Thanksgiving: A short prelude in two parts. First a brief passage of 'dawn music' before things become more vigorous: fanfare-like music ushers in the trombone section's presentation of the Tallis tune. A broad band version concludes the movement. 2. De Profundis: A slow movement shot through with anxious questionings featuring flugel and trombone. The mood lightens a little in the centre where the soprano cornet is featured and the movement ends serenely. 3. Celebration is characterised by rhythmic drive, this is buoyant with plenty of incident pointed up by the percussion. 4. Invocation: Melodic in nature and sober in mood, the first section is a series of short solos mingled with chorale-like statements. Central to the movement is a chorale-prelude style presentation of the Tallis tune. The third section reintroduces the earlier solo music by the full ensemble. Dissolving, the music enters the last movement without a break. 5. Paean: Marked allegro con spirito there is, quite rightly, a fair amount of fun in the rejoicing. Snatches of Tallis are heard, then comes a gentle passage with a cornet solo leading to fanfare music and recapitulation. Two recitatives are succeeded by a coda which brings the work to a sonorous and exultant conclusion.

    Estimated dispatch 7-9 working days
  • £44.00

    Songs for B.L. (Score only) - Elgar Howarth

    Songs for B.L. was commissioned by BBC North for the 1995 BBC Festival of Brass and first performed by the Eikanger/Bjorsvik Musiklag Band in February that year. It was selected as the championship section test-piece for the 1995 National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain. The piece is in seven sections: Romanza; First Scherzo; Ballad; March; Second Scherzo; Romanza reprise; Coda. It is romantic but charged with highly chromatic harmony, and makes much use of chamber music textures. The work is dedicated to the composer's wife, Mary. 'The meaning of the title,' says the composer, 'is a secret, and will remain so'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-9 working days
  • £56.00

    Songs for B.L. (Parts only) - Elgar Howarth

    Songs for B.L. was commissioned by BBC North for the 1995 BBC Festival of Brass and first performed by the Eikanger/Bjorsvik Musiklag Band in February that year. It was selected as the championship section test-piece for the 1995 National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain. The piece is in seven sections: Romanza; First Scherzo; Ballad; March; Second Scherzo; Romanza reprise; Coda. It is romantic but charged with highly chromatic harmony, and makes much use of chamber music textures. The work is dedicated to the composer's wife, Mary. 'The meaning of the title,' says the composer, 'is a secret, and will remain so'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-9 working days
  • £40.00

    Trittico (Score only) - James Curnow

    Trittico was commissioned by the Swiss Brass Band Association for their national championships in 1988. A trittico is a tripych or group of three paintings or musical compositions based on a common theme and presented or performed together. The present work is a set of three extended variations on the American shaped-note hymn Consolation. The work opens in grand style with motives based on intervals of the hymn tune. The opening motif, and smaller fragments of it reappear throughout the piece and serve as an underlying element alongside the theme itself. The first variation is essentially a scherzo which echoes the minor mood of the theme. The hemiolic opposition of compound and duple time is used to good effect and, again, the main motif is never far away. This is music with energy and forward movement. The second variation gives the soloists a chance to shine. The mood is tranquil, yet there is always some activity and the musical material pre-echoes the third variation. The third variation is another scherzo-like section, the main theme accompanied by a rhythmic ostinato. Toward the conclusion there is a short aeleatoric passage - a variation within a variation allowing half the band to make their own variaitions in a cachophony of sound. An energetic coda draws together several elements to round off a work brim full of drive, energy, and self-propelled enthusiasm. Duration: 13:30

    Estimated dispatch 7-9 working days