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  • £113.00

    Guess What I Wanna Do - Bernard Trulsrud Seland

    Pa den tiden da Guess what I wanna do ble til, tidlig i nittiarene, var jeg sa utrolig heldig a vaere medlem av Oslo Groove Company, et kruttsterkt storband fra miljoet rundt musikkhogskolen. Bandet vant en spellemanspris med sin forste utgivelse Anno 1990. Alt stoffet vi spilte skulle vaere egenprodusert, noe som gjorde at mange i bandet provde seg, meg selv inkludert. Jeg hadde fatt med lata Frontal Separese,(blanding av frontal lobotomi og cerebral parese), pa Anno 1992, noe som selvfolgelig ga meg blod pa tann! Jeg husker jeg var opptatt av a fa til en stilig bassgang, og sa hadde jeg hort om kvarter. Resultatet ble Guess what I wanna do. At jeg fikk spille baritonesax solo pa lata var ogsa stor stas!Bernhard Trulsrud SelandEn storbandinteressert kompis introduserte meg for CD-en Anno 1996 da jeg var tenaring pa slutten av nittitallet. Jeg ble umiddelbart veldig glad i Guess what I wanna do - en utrolig toff og fengende lat med en bassgang man ikke glemmer! I mitt seinere liv som arrangor har jeg alltid hatt denne laten i bakhodet, med en tanke om a gjore den for korps, slik at den saledes blir tilgjengelig for enda flere musikanter. Og da jeg lanserte tanken for Bertnes Brass i 2019 var de umiddelbart klare for utfordringen! Arrangementet er blitt til med stotte fra NOPA.Andreas Heier Roe

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
  • £61.00

    Riv i hjertet - Sondre Justad - John Philip Hannevik

    The singer/ songwriter Sondre Justad was born in Lofoten in the north of Norway in 1990. His first album Riv i hjertet was released in 2015, and it became a huge success. He got very fine reviews in some of the largest norwegian newspapers, and the title-song was played frequently on the national radio-stations.The song title could loosely be translated as pulling at my heartstrings, and the song has a deep and dark meaning, with the opening lyrics sounding:If I knew - that I would be dying soon, would I be happy with the way I am living my life

    Estimated dispatch 12-14 working days
  • £82.30

    Riv i hjertet - Sondre Justad

    The singer/ songwriter Sondre Justad was born in Lofoten in the north of Norway in 1990. His first album Riv i hjertet was released in 2015, and it became a huge success. He got very fine reviews in some of the largest norwegian newspapers, and the title-song was played frequently on the national radio-stations. The song title could loosely be translated as pulling at my heartstrings, and the song has a deep and dark meaning, with the opening lyrics sounding: If I knew - that I would be dying soon, would I be happy with the way I am living my life Please note that the repeating figures in upper cornets should never be dominant, they should only provide texture tothe accompaniment.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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