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  • £79.00

    What if - Steve Mac/Wayne Hector - Vertommen Luc

    Estimated dispatch 12-17 working days
  • £24.95

    Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms - Simone Mantia - David Childs

    The tune and lyrics of most folk songs we are familiar with today are usually the collaboration of several composers and lyricists over, what can sometimes be hundreds of years. Endearing Young Charms is no exception to this rule with...

    Estimated dispatch 4-7 working days
  • £37.50

    Polish Adventures - Gavin Somerset

    Composed for the All Saints Wind Band, Sheffield after their trip to Poland in the summer of 2003. This work reflects the different parts of the tour in four continuous movements... PROGRAM NOTES AS THEY APPREAR ON SCORE COVER I don't wish to ramble on with the program notes, do I do believe that if you know the story behind a piece of music, it just puts that extra something into the players performance. In 2002, the All Saints Wind Band, Sheffield, embarked on a 10 day tour of Poland. The group spent 28hrs on a couch packed with instruments, only to arrive finding Poland experiencing its worst summer in 70 years. In 2003, they decided to go back for another go! This time, luxury all the way, no 28hr coach journey, just a 1 1/2hr flight. This piece tells the story of the 2nd tour of Poland in four continuous movements... First the introduction. Early one morning, prepared for the drive to the airport, everyone tired, but excited. A day prior to this, some parents of the children set off in a van driving the instruments to the hotel, some 300 miles away. Bar 13 introduces the "Van" theme. Once arriving at the airport, the movements begin... 1. MORNING FLIGHT A very self explanatory part of the piece, and impressionist in its writing. Flying high over England and the channel, giving a sense of speed we were travelling at (compared to the poor lads in the van somewhere below us!) The Largo before F tells of the short coach journey to the hotel, and settling into what was our new home for 10 days. 2. IN THE STORM The weather was definitely an improvement on last year. So much so, that it became a regular event of the day to go and play rounders in a nearby field. This particular day however, with everyone concentrating hard on the game, it escaped everyone's attention that there was a very large storm creeping over the high mountain range near us. As the title of the movement suggests, the scene involved 25 of us running as fast as we could back to the hotel. Unfortunately, the heavy rain ran faster than us. 3. LAST MEMORIES As most of the people in the band were 18 this year, it was apparent that this would be their last event with the band. Many of the group had grown up together for the last 7 years and so, as the tour came to a close, there was a sense of sadness in the air, but everyone would always have the memories. 4. FINALE & HOME The van and the brave volunteers that went with it, set off the day before the rest of us flew home. This last movement reflect the whole tour, bringing back all the main themes from the different movements before arriving back at the school, just in time to see the van pull up. The "Van" theme makes its presence heard again towards the end. This piece was performed by the Wind Band at the leaving concert of many of the players in the band. I dedicate this piece to the band which is still functioning with new players, and to all those who took part on this tour.

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days

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  • £9.95

    Euphonium's Extraordinary European Tour - Solo Euphonium (Bass Clef) - LM171

    COMPOSER: Alexandra LehmannEuphonium's Extraordinary European TourThe year 2020 will be infamously recorded as a time when musicians had to lead a solitary life, which is incompatible with musical activity.Furthermore, I wanted to offer an experience of travelling in Europe through music.There is a wealth of historical, and traditional European monophonic music.Hence, the Tour is based around the 14th-15th centuries whenEuphoniumencounters different musical cultures.The Tour is dedicated to my father, mother, brother, and sister;Jean-Pierre, Francoise, Fabrice, and Mahaut Lehmann;with whom I was fortunate to travel in my youth.CONTENTS1. Ostentatious OvertureEuphoniumis at the French palace of Versailles with all itspomp, splendour, and magnificence.2. Mystical MinnesangerEuphoniumhas travelled to the Holy Roman Empire, where he isperforming an ode to a Germanic Knight.3. Andalusian NightsThe Caliphate of Cordoba was a mixing-pot of Islamicand Judaic music. What is fascinating is that many of the ideas aroundperformance; modes at certain times of the day, improvisation into metred,faster sections; go back to the Indian subcontinent and even furtherback into Ancient Greece.Euphonium is chanting for theCaliphate on a warm summer's evening.4. Tarantella of the TagliatelleI don't know if the Medici family ate tagliatelle,but if they did, this joyful and lively tarantella is whatEuphonium would have played.5. Terrifying TropakA complete change of mood.Euphonium is playing for a swashbucklingperformance of Ukrainian Cossacks, with leaps, stamps, and twirls.6. Sami Herding SongIn the Arctic Norwegian north,Euphonium is with the Sami calling theirherd of reindeers with vocalisations that echo in the icy distance.7. Highland FlingEuphoniumis in Scotland taking part in the Highland Games.Female dancers perform athletic jumps.8. Royal Festive FanfareEuphoniumfinishes his European Tour at Windsor Castle, England.Like the natural trumpet (played at the time), the lower range is based on the first notes of the harmonic scale and announce the entry of the royal family.

    Estimated dispatch 3-5 working days
  • £9.95

    Euphonium's Extraordinary European Tour - Solo Euphonium (Treble Clef) - LM168

    COMPOSER: Alexandra LehmannEuphonium's Extraordinary European TourThe year 2020 will be infamously recorded as a time when musicians had to lead a solitary life, which is incompatible with musical activity.Furthermore, I wanted to offer an experience of travelling in Europe through music.There is a wealth of historical, and traditional European monophonic music.Hence, the Tour is based around the 14th-15th centuries whenEuphoniumencounters different musical cultures.The Tour is dedicated to my father, mother, brother, and sister;Jean-Pierre, Francoise, Fabrice, and Mahaut Lehmann;with whom I was fortunate to travel in my youth.CONTENTS1. Ostentatious OvertureEuphoniumis at the French palace of Versailles with all itspomp, splendour, and magnificence.2. Mystical MinnesangerEuphoniumhas travelled to the Holy Roman Empire, where he isperforming an ode to a Germanic Knight.3. Andalusian NightsThe Caliphate of Cordoba was a mixing-pot of Islamicand Judaic music. What is fascinating is that many of the ideas aroundperformance; modes at certain times of the day, improvisation into metred,faster sections; go back to the Indian subcontinent and even furtherback into Ancient Greece.Euphonium is chanting for theCaliphate on a warm summer's evening.4. Tarantella of the TagliatelleI don't know if the Medici family ate tagliatelle,but if they did, this joyful and lively tarantella is whatEuphonium would have played.5. Terrifying TropakA complete change of mood.Euphonium is playing for a swashbucklingperformance of Ukrainian Cossacks, with leaps, stamps, and twirls.6. Sami Herding SongIn the Arctic Norwegian north,Euphonium is with the Sami calling theirherd of reindeers with vocalisations that echo in the icy distance.7. Highland FlingEuphoniumis in Scotland taking part in the Highland Games.Female dancers perform athletic jumps.8. Royal Festive FanfareEuphoniumfinishes his European Tour at Windsor Castle, England.Like the natural trumpet (played at the time), the lower range is based on the first notes of the harmonic scale and announce the entry of the royal family.

    Estimated dispatch 3-5 working days
  • £9.95

    Trumpet's Extraordinary European Tour - Solo Trumpet - LM186

    COMPOSER: Alexandra LehmannTrumpet's Extraordinary European TourThe year 2020 will be infamously recorded as a time when musicians had to lead a solitary life, which is incompatible with musical activity.Furthermore, I wanted to offer an experience of travelling in Europe through music.There is a wealth of historical, and traditional European monophonic music.Hence, the Tour is based around the 14th-15th centuries whenEuphoniumencounters different musical cultures.The Tour is dedicated to my father, mother, brother, and sister;Jean-Pierre, Francoise, Fabrice, and Mahaut Lehmann;with whom I was fortunate to travel in my youth.CONTENTS1. Ostentatious OvertureTrumpet is at the French palace of Versailles with all itspomp, splendour, and magnificence.2. Mystical MinnesangerTrumpethas travelled to the Holy Roman Empire, where he isperforming an ode to a Germanic Knight.3. Andalusian NightsThe Caliphate of Cordoba was a mixing-pot of Islamicand Judaic music. What is fascinating is that many of the ideas aroundperformance; modes at certain times of the day, improvisation into metred,faster sections; go back to the Indian subcontinent and even furtherback into Ancient Greece.Trumpetis chanting for theCaliphate on a warm summer's evening.4. Tarantella of the TagliatelleI don't know if the Medici family ate tagliatelle,but if they did, this joyful and lively tarantella is whatTrumpet would have played.5. Terrifying TropakA complete change of mood.Trumpet is playing for a swashbucklingperformance of Ukrainian Cossacks, with leaps, stamps, and twirls.6. Sami Herding SongIn the Arctic Norwegian north,Trumpet is with the Sami calling theirherd of reindeers with vocalisations that echo in the icy distance.7. Highland FlingTrumpetis in Scotland taking part in the Highland Games.Female dancers perform athletic jumps.8. Royal Festive FanfareTrumpetfinishes his European Tour at Windsor Castle, England.Like the natural trumpet (played at the time), the lower range is based on the first notes of the harmonic scale and announce the entry of the royal family.

    Estimated dispatch 3-5 working days
  • £34.95

    Trusting Faith (Euphonium Solo with Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    This piece is based on the melody Faith is the victory (T.B. 128) and throughout the solo we follow a person's journey of faith. In the first movement, the bold and confident opening depicts a seemingly strong and certain faith, although perhaps a little naive and immature. The music suggests that if we are certain enough, then we will see our prayers immediately answered and will witness miracles. But what happens when we don't see those miracles happen, or our prayers seem unanswered? Doubt creeps in and the music quickly becomes a full struggle continuing through to the end of the moment.What do you do when you faith amounts to something other than what you thought it to be? The beginning of the second movement reflects this questions and starts hesitantly and full of doubt. Soon, a new melody is introduced, Trusting as the moments fly (T.B. 263). The words of the chorus remind us that true faith should bot be affected by fears or disappointments, that our trust in God should remain. Realising that a faith that holds firm, though being tested over time, becoming deeper and stronger, is a liberating truth. We no longer need to struggle in our strength alone, but can lean on God instead.When we lean on God, reset in his care, and feel. safe in his hands, then faith has really become our victory. We will then become strong disciples who can meet life's various challenges without wavering or being afraid. This is depicted in the final movement of the solo when both melodies, whose messages complement each other, are woven together in an explosive finale.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days